Saturday 27 March 2010

SCORE!! 1-0 to Hey! Say! BEST

Firstly, I just wanted to make a cool but BAD title because I love football(soccer)
Secondly, Sorry for the late update been busy with homework...again.

So todays still saturday for me. And the YY Jumping livestage was (FINALLY!) a new Hey! Say! BEST song entitled Score. The song's lyrics written and the music was composed by Kota Yabu and Hikaru Yaotome YAY!! They all did great in my opinion but Hikaru was dissapointing a bit....

Now you people might no what I mean about being dissapointed in Hikaru. Firstly this was denifintely not the best singing during this livestage. (no offense to Hikaru fans just i think he might be having an off day with singing when he recorded this livestage) At first I was loving the song's melody tune and lyrics AND solo lines UNTIL!! Hikaru started rapping. kamichan seeemed to think the same thing but then loved the song so did I. However Hikaru needs to think about appropriate songs to but raps into not into a song that goes from slow to pop to RAP?? back to slower tune

But overall it was enjoyable ne??

Ill se everyone very soon in fact I might post on KAT-TUN already!!


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